4(y - 4)=8


Wouldn't it be d.?

5(x - 10) + x

a.6x + 15
b.5x + 15
c.6x + 50
d.4x - 50

Wouldn't it be c.?

9a - b - 2a - 10b

a.-7a + 11b
b.11a + 9b
c.-11a - 9b
d.7a - 11b

Wouldn't it be d.?

#1 yes

#3 yes

#2 hmmm
either 5(x-10)+x = 6x-50
or 5(x+10)+x = 6x+50

Okay thank you! (Sorry it's a day late, I had figured it out on my own after this :-D)

Let's solve each problem step-by-step:

1. 4(y - 4) = 8

First, distribute the 4 to both terms inside the parentheses:

4y - 16 = 8

Next, add 16 to both sides of the equation to isolate the variable term:

4y = 24

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 4 to solve for y:

y = 6

Therefore, the correct answer is d. 6.

2. 5(x - 10) + x

First, distribute the 5 to both terms inside the parentheses:

5x - 50 + x

Combine like terms:

6x - 50

Therefore, the correct answer is not c. 6x + 50, but rather d. 4x - 50.

3. 9a - b - 2a - 10b

Combine like terms:

(9a - 2a) - (b + 10b)

Simplify further:

7a - 11b

Therefore, the correct answer is d. 7a - 11b.

Let's solve each equation step by step to find the correct answer.

For the first equation:
4(y - 4) = 8

We can start by using the distributive property to remove the parentheses:
4y - 16 = 8

Next, we can isolate the variable y by moving the constant term (-16) to the other side of the equation:
4y = 8 + 16
4y = 24

Finally, we can solve for y by dividing both sides of the equation by 4:
y = 24/4
y = 6

Therefore, the answer is d. 6.

Moving on to the second equation:
5(x - 10) + x

Again, we'll apply the distributive property:
5x - 50 + x

Combining like terms, we have:
6x - 50

Therefore, the answer is d. 4x - 50.

Now, let's solve the third equation:
9a - b - 2a - 10b

We'll group the like terms together:
(9a - 2a) + (-b - 10b)
7a - 11b

The final result is:
7a - 11b

Therefore, the answer is d. 7a - 11b.

So, to recap:
1. The answer to the first equation is d. 6.
2. The answer to the second equation is d. 4x - 50.
3. The answer to the third equation is d. 7a - 11b.