What is dramatic purpose?


Thank you :)

You're welcome. Read carefully -- and then go get an A!!

Dramatic purpose refers to the use of various elements in a play, film, or other dramatic medium to convey a specific meaning or message to the audience. It serves as a driving force behind the actions, dialogue, and structure of a dramatic work.

To understand the dramatic purpose, one must analyze and interpret the different elements employed by the playwright or filmmaker. Here are some key aspects to consider:

1. Theme: Identify the central idea or message that the work aims to convey. Themes could range from love, power, war, justice, or any other concept that the author wants to explore.

2. Characters: Examine the motivations, desires, and conflicts of the characters. Their actions, decisions, and interactions with others often serve to highlight and explore the central theme.

3. Plot: Understand the structure and progression of events. Look for patterns, climaxes, and turning points that contribute to the overall dramatic purpose.

4. Dialogue: Pay attention to the words and conversations between characters. Dialogue helps reveal their thoughts, emotions, and relationships, and it often conveys the underlying message of the work.

5. Symbolism: Analyze the use of symbols and metaphors in the dramatic work. Symbols can represent abstract concepts or ideas, while metaphors create associations and deepen the meaning.

6. Setting and atmosphere: Consider the time, place, and mood created by the setting. The setting can enhance the themes and conflicts and add depth to the dramatic purpose.

By examining these aspects and analyzing the choices made by the creators, one can gain a deeper understanding of the dramatic purpose of a play, film, or other dramatic works.