The density of a loaf of bread with a mass of 500 g and a volume of 2500 cm3.

Density = mass/volume, so density = 500/2500 = 0.2 g/ cm3!

To calculate the density of an object, you need to divide its mass by its volume. In this case, the mass of the loaf of bread is 500 g, and its volume is 2500 cm³. Now let's calculate the density using these values.

Density (ρ) = Mass (m) / Volume (V)

Substituting the given values:
Density = 500 g / 2500 cm³

To ensure consistent units, it's better to convert cm³ to grams by using the fact that 1 cm³ is equal to 1 gram. Therefore:

Density = 500 g / 2500 g

Density = 0.2

Therefore, the density of the loaf of bread is 0.2 g/cm³.