Let line l_1 be the graph of 5x + 8y = -9. Line l_2 is perpendicular to line l_1 and passes through the point (10,10). If line l_2 is the graph of the equation y=mx +b, then find m+b.


4y = -3-14 : line1
y = -3/4x - 7/2
line2: y = 4/3x+b
line 2 passes thru (-5,7) plug in
7 = 4/3 (-5) + b
7 = -20/3 + b
b = 13 2/3

m + b = 4/3 + 13 2/3 = 15
A: 15

I don't recommend posting questions from AoPS here because student will cheat. I'm saying this as a teacher. I'll give you the answer from AoPS, but please try these questions before searching them. It's against the AoPS policy as well. One of my students cheated on a writing problem and this is what they got:

You are receiving this message because your submission closely resembles the solution presented here: (link where student copied)

In cases such as this, we do not award credit for any part of your submission that is not your original work, so we have assigned 0 points for this submission.

If you are having difficulty with any particular problem, you should not search for its solution online or elsewhere (this includes Googling the problem!). Instead, if you need some assistance with a problem, we welcome you to ask questions on the course message board. Your instructor and other AoPS staff will be happy to help! Struggling through the challenges of each problem, which can be very difficult at times, will allow you to understand the material better and grow as a mathematician! Collaboration is a valuable part of mathematics, and if you do receive help, just make sure to give proper credit to anyone who helped you (this could include, but is not limited to, instructors, tutors, parents, friends, etc.). Getting help is OK, but it is very important that you take some time to write up a solution completely in your own words. This way, you can ensure that you have understood the guidance you received.

Furthermore, keep in mind that you can request extensions through the course homepage if you are pressed for time on a writing problem in the future.

You can also re-read the AoPS Honor Code here: artofproblemsolving.com/school/handbook/current/honorcode.

We value your contribution and participation in our classes, and we want to see you succeed! If you believe that there is anything we can do to help you, please let us know by emailing us at student-services



But here is the answer that AoPS has:
Since lines l_1 and l_2 are perpendicular (and neither is vertical), the product of their slopes is -1. To find the slope of l_1, we write 3x + 4y = -14 in slope-intercept form by solving for y. Solving for y, we find
y = -3/4x - 7/2. Therefore, the slope of l_1 is -3/4

Since line l_2 is perpendicular to line l_1, the slope of l_2 is 4/3. The line l_2 passes through the point (-5,7), so its equation is given by
y - 7 = 4/3(x + 5). Isolating y, we find
y = 4/3x + 41/3, so m + b = 4/3 + 41/3 = 15

i used to know but now i forgot but i guess i may help you on that

if two lines are perpendicular their slope product = -1
line 1:y=-5/8 x-9
a1 x a2 =-1

-5/8 x a2 =-1


line2: y= 8/5 x +b

Thanks a lot!

and then you substitute the point and u'll find b

then m+b=*

hope im correct

@Reiny I got that too but it said it was incorrect.

Your new line is perpendicular to 5x + 8y = -9

So it must have the form 8x - 5y = c
sub in the point (10,10)
8(10) - 5(10) = c = 30

new equation is 8x - 5y = 30
or y = (8/5)x - 15/4

then m+b = 8/5 - 15/4 = -43/20