Graph the inequality on the number line and then write it in interval notation.


You would treat the greater than or equal to sign like an equation. So, you would subtract 1/2 from each side so y would be greater than or equal to 1/6. In interval notation it would be: [1/6, inf)

I hope it makes sense now ^-^

To graph the inequality Y + 1/2 ≥ 2/3 on a number line, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Start by plotting a point at the value -1/2 on the number line. This is because we have Y + 1/2 on the left side of the inequality.

Step 2: Since we have ≥, draw a solid line from the point you plotted in step 1 towards the right direction. This solid line indicates that Y + 1/2 can be equal to the given value.

Step 3: Finally, shade the region above the line because we have ≥. This means that any value of Y above the line will satisfy the inequality.

Next, let's write the inequality in interval notation.

Step 1: Subtract 1/2 from both sides of the inequality to isolate Y:
Y + 1/2 - 1/2 ≥ 2/3 - 1/2
Y ≥ 1/6

Step 2: Write the inequality using interval notation. In this case, since the inequality is only greater than or equal to, we use [ ] to indicate that the endpoint is included in the interval:
The final inequality in interval notation is: [1/6, ∞)

Therefore, the graph of the inequality and its interval notation representation is:
