I was writing this sentences, could you check it, please.

Sue hasn’t eaten any fruit or vegetables for a while.

Ned started to eat healthier food last year.

Sue hasn’t never visited a doctor on a regular basis.

Ned has lived a quiet life before they met.

Ned has smoked heavily when he was young.

Sue and Ned both want their life healthy lives.

Sue hasn’t eaten any fruit or vegetables for a while.


Ned started to eat healthier food last year.

Sue hasn’t never visited a doctor on a regular basis.
Not OK

Ned has lived a quiet life before they met.
Not OK

Ned has smoked heavily when he was young.
Not OK

Sue and Ned both want their life healthy lives.
OK, but sounds a little odd.



Sue has never visited a doctor on a regular basis.

Ned had lived a quiet life before they met.

Ned hasn’t smoked heavily when he was young.

The first two are fine now.

The last one, however, is still weird. This would work: Ned didn't smoke heavily when he was young.

Sure, I can help you check your sentences.

Here are the revised sentences:

1. Sue hasn’t eaten any fruit or vegetables for a while.
2. Ned started to eat healthier food last year.
3. Sue has never visited a doctor on a regular basis. (Note: "hasn't never" is a double negative, so it should be corrected to "has never")
4. Ned lived a quiet life before they met. (Note: "has lived" is not necessary because it refers to a past timeframe)
5. Ned smoked heavily when he was young.
6. Sue and Ned both want to live healthy lives. (Note: "their" was changed to "to" and "healthy lives" was changed to "live healthy lives" for clarity and grammatical correctness)

Overall, the sentences look good with the modifications made. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!