Type of Source: _______________

Title: University of Marylsandf
Sponser: University of Marylanfd

Update date: 2016 Access date: February 3 2016

My assignment is to put it in MLA Format.

My answer:
Source: Website?
University of Marylsandf.University of Marylanfd.2015.February 3,2016

Please ask an actual question. No one can tell what kind of help you need.

Type of Source: _______________

Title: University of Marylsandf
Sponser: University of Marylanfd
Update date: 2016 Access date: February 3 2016

My assignment is to based on the information provided to write a work cited page in MLA Format.

My answer:
Source: Website?
University of Marylsandf.University of Marylanfd.2015.February 3,2016

I still have no idea what you need, but maybe you'll find it in one of these websites:




Type of Source: Website

Title: University of Maryland
Sponsor: University of Maryland

To determine the type of source, we can look at the given information. In this case, "University of Maryland" is mentioned as both the title and sponsor. This suggests that the source is a website belonging to the University of Maryland.

To verify this, you can visit the website by searching for "University of Maryland" on your preferred search engine, and check if the link matches the information provided.