Mukul has$1.60 in nickels, dimes, and quarters. He has nine more dimes than quarters and six more nickels than quarters. How many of each coin are in his pocket.

d=# dimes
n=# nickels
q= # quarters


10 d + 5 n + 25 q = 160

d = q + 9

n = q + 6

... 10(q + 9) + 5(q + 6) + 25 q = 160

solve for q,
then substitute back to find d and n

Hey, your questions are really all the same. Read one of our replies carefully and you should be able to do them all.

Let's solve the system of equations step-by-step:

1) From the given information, we have the following equations:
d + n + q = 1.60 (equation 1)
d + 9 = q (equation 2)
n + 6 = q (equation 3)
0.1d + 0.05n + 0.25q = 1.60 (equation 4)

2) Let's rearrange equations 2 and 3 to express d and n in terms of q:
d = q - 9 (equation 2 rearranged)
n = q - 6 (equation 3 rearranged)

3) Substitute equations 2 and 3 into equation 1 to eliminate d and n:
(q - 9) + (q - 6) + q = 1.60
3q - 15 = 1.60

4) Simplify equation 4:
0.3q - 0.15 + 0.05q + 0.25q = 1.60
0.6q = 1.60 + 0.15
0.6q = 1.75

5) Divide both sides of equation 4 by 0.6:
q = 1.75 / 0.6
q = 2.92 (approximately)

Since the number of coins must be whole numbers, this means that q (quarters) must be 3.

6) Substitute q = 3 into equations 2 and 3 to find the values of d and n:
d = 3 - 9
d = -6 (This negative value for d is not possible, so let's disregard this solution)

n = 3 - 6
n = -3 (This negative value for n is not possible, so let's disregard this solution)

Therefore, there are no valid solutions for the given problem.

To solve this problem, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's assign variables to represent the number of dimes, nickels, and quarters in Mukul's pocket:

d = number of dimes
n = number of nickels
q = number of quarters

We can create three equations based on the given information:

1. The total value of the coins is $1.60:
0.1d + 0.05n + 0.25q = 1.60

2. The number of dimes is nine more than the number of quarters:
d = q + 9

3. The number of nickels is six more than the number of quarters:
n = q + 6

Now we have a system of three equations with three variables. We can solve this system by substitution or elimination.

Let's rearrange equations (2) and (3) to express q in terms of d and n:

Equation (2): d = q + 9 ⟹ q = d - 9
Equation (3): n = q + 6 ⟹ q = n - 6

Now we can substitute q in equation (1) with the expressions above:

0.1d + 0.05n + 0.25(d - 9) = 1.60

Simplifying the equation, we get:

0.1d + 0.05n + 0.25d - 2.25 = 1.60
0.35d + 0.05n = 3.85

To eliminate the decimal coefficients, we can multiply each term by 20:

7d + n = 77

Now we have a simplified system of equations:

0.35d + 0.05n = 3.85
7d + n = 77

Now we can solve this system of equations using substitution or elimination.