A box turtle Marcos found is 0.115 of a meter long.What is this length in expanded form?

units change?

115 mm

To express the length of the box turtle in expanded form, we need to break down the decimal number into its individual place values.

The given length is 0.115 of a meter. Let's examine the different place values:

- The digit "1" is in the tenths place.
- The digit "1" is in the hundredths place.
- The digit "5" is in the thousandths place.

Therefore, the expanded form of 0.115 is as follows:

0.1 + 0.01 + 0.005


A box Marcos found is 0.115 of a meter long. What is this length in expanded form?

The length in expanded form is

0.115 =(0×1)+(1/10)+(1/100)+(5/1000)