In 2009, the U.S. Congress passed a law that made it legal for people to file lawsuits about unequal pay at any time, no matter how long it had been since the unfair pay happened. Three years later, some lawmakers tried to pass a bill that encouraged men and women to be paid the same, but a great deal of opposition emerged.

This scenario best shows the conflict between the American ideals of.

A. Property ownership and social equality.
B. Diversity and immigration.
C. Liberty and equality. **
D. religious freedom and economic opportunity.

I was really confused on this one. I just submitted my answers and I got it right

The scenario described best shows the conflict between the American ideals of liberty and equality.

To get to this answer, we can analyze the given information and the options provided. The scenario mentions a law that was passed in 2009, allowing people to file lawsuits about unequal pay at any time, regardless of how long ago the unfair pay occurred. Additionally, it mentions that three years later, lawmakers attempted to pass a bill encouraging equal pay for men and women, but faced significant opposition.

The conflict highlighted here is the struggle between the concepts of liberty and equality. On one hand, the law passed in 2009 grants individuals the freedom and liberty to address instances of unequal pay, allowing them to seek justice and take legal action. On the other hand, the opposition faced by the bill seeking equal pay demonstrates a tension between the ideal of liberty (the freedom to pay employees as one sees fit) and the ideal of equality (ensuring that men and women are paid fairly).

Based on this analysis, the scenario aligns most closely with the conflict between the American ideals of liberty and equality, making option C, "Liberty and equality," the correct answer.

I think there's a better answer. Be sure to check your text to see it's author's viewpoint.

I don't see where liberty fits this scenario.

Property ownership and social equality seem more appropriate.