Name a compound machine and tell what simple machine it contains?

pencil sharpiner

wedge and wheel and axle

A compound machine is a device that consists of two or more simple machines working together to perform a task. In the case of a pencil sharpener, it is a compound machine that typically contains two simple machines: a wedge and a wheel and axle.

The wedge is the component that cuts into the pencil and removes the wood to expose the graphite. In the pencil sharpener, the wedge is usually in the form of a sharp blade or cutter that creates a narrow gap for the pencil to pass through. As the pencil is inserted and turned, the wedge applies pressure to the wood and causes it to be shaved off.

The wheel and axle is another simple machine found in the pencil sharpener. It is usually in the form of a cylindrical barrel that holds the pencil in place while it is being sharpened. The barrel is connected to a handle or crank, forming a wheel and axle mechanism. When the handle is rotated, the barrel also turns, causing the pencil to rotate against the cutting wedge and shaving the wood.

So, in summary, a pencil sharpener is a compound machine that contains a wedge (in the form of a cutting blade) and a wheel and axle (in the form of a barrel and handle) working together to sharpen a pencil.