Which of the following describes a feed back in the oven?

A Setting the temperature
B Burning gas releases heat
C a thermostat monitors the temperature and increases the gas flow when gas falls to low
D a cake is baked.
My awnser so far is A.

A does not provide feedback. It just sets a temperature on the thermostat.

Feedback means that a change causes another change. You want C.

Once you do A, then C happens.

Better review the topic of feedback.

It’s c i got it right

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze each option:

A) Setting the temperature: This is a basic function of an oven, but it does not describe feedback. It simply instructs the oven to reach and maintain a specific temperature.

B) Burning gas releases heat: This is a fundamental principle of how ovens generate heat. However, it does not involve feedback.

C) A thermostat monitors the temperature and increases the gas flow when gas falls too low: This option describes a feedback mechanism in an oven. The thermostat acts as a control system, constantly monitoring the temperature inside the oven. If the temperature drops below the desired level, it signals the oven to increase the gas flow, raising the temperature back to the desired level.

D) A cake is baked: While this is a result of using an oven, it does not describe feedback within the oven itself.

Based on the analysis, option C is the correct answer as it describes a feedback mechanism involving a thermostat and gas flow regulation.