It takes a runner 3 h, 36 min, 25 s to run a marathon. If the distance of a marathon is 42.2 km, what is the average speed of the runner?

I assume you want km/hr

time = 3 + 36/60 + 25/3600 hours

speed = 42.2 / time

To find the average speed of the runner, we need to divide the distance covered by the time taken. Here's how we can do that:

Step 1: Convert the hours, minutes, and seconds to a single unit of time (seconds).
- 3 hours can be converted to seconds by multiplying by 60 (seconds per minute) and 60 (minutes per hour).
So, 3 * 60 * 60 = 10,800 seconds.
- 36 minutes can be converted to seconds by multiplying by 60.
So, 36 * 60 = 2,160 seconds.
- Adding the 25 seconds, the total time in seconds is 10,800 + 2,160 + 25 = 12,985 seconds.

Step 2: Convert the distance to the same unit as time (kilometers to meters).
- 42.2 kilometers can be converted to meters by multiplying by 1,000 (meters per kilometer).
So, 42.2 * 1,000 = 42,200 meters.

Step 3: Calculate the average speed by dividing the distance by the time.
- Average speed = distance / time
- Average speed = 42,200 meters / 12,985 seconds
- Average speed ≈ 3.25 meters per second

So, the average speed of the runner is approximately 3.25 meters per second.