A part time job pays $465.55 a week and a fixed hourly rate for any extra hours of work. For 2 weeks Emily works 4 extra hours per week and earns a total of $1211.10.

What is the amount paid for each hour of extra work?

1211.10 - (465.55 * 2) / 8 = $_______ per hour


To find the amount paid for each hour of extra work, we need to determine the fixed hourly rate for those extra hours.

Let's break down the given information:
- Emily works 2 weeks, which means she receives payments for 2 weeks' worth of work.
- Her regular income, excluding the extra hours, is $465.55 per week.
- Over the 2 weeks, Emily works 4 extra hours per week and earns a total of $1211.10.

First, we calculate Emily's regular income over the 2 weeks:
Regular income per week: $465.55
Regular income for 2 weeks: $465.55 * 2 = $931.10

Next, we need to find out how much Emily earned from the extra hours. We subtract her regular income for 2 weeks from her total earnings of $1211.10:
Extra earnings for 2 weeks: $1211.10 - $931.10 = $280.00

Since Emily worked 4 extra hours per week, we can divide the extra earnings by the total number of extra hours worked to find the amount paid for each hour of extra work:
Amount paid for each hour of extra work: $280.00 / (4 extra hours * 2 weeks) = $280.00 / 8 = $35.00

Therefore, the amount paid for each hour of extra work is $35.00.