4- what is a physical or mental representation of an object or event?

1. a theory
2. a hypothesis
3. a model**
4- a scientific law

5- _________ is the closeness of a measurement to the actual value being measured

a-accuracy **

looks good

To answer the first question, a physical or mental representation of an object or event is called a model. A model is used to simplify and understand complex systems or concepts by representing them in a more manageable or practical way. Models can be physical, such as a scale model of a building, or conceptual, such as a mathematical model used to describe natural phenomena.

To answer the second question, the term you're looking for is accuracy. Accuracy refers to how close a measured value is to the true or actual value of the thing being measured. In other words, it quantifies the extent of correctness or agreement between a measurement and the ideal or accepted value. On the other hand, precision refers to the degree of consistency or reproducibility of measurements, indicating how closely they group together.

To arrive at these answers, you can use your knowledge or refer to reliable sources such as textbooks or online resources in the field of science. It is essential to understand the concepts and definitions associated with the questions to arrive at the correct answer.

4. The correct answer is a model. A model is a physical or mental representation of an object or event that helps us understand and explain the real-world phenomenon.

5. The correct answer is accuracy. Accuracy refers to the closeness of a measurement to the actual or true value of what is being measured. It indicates the degree of correctness or exactness of a measurement. Precision, on the other hand, refers to the consistency or repeatability of measurements.