It takes a runner 2 h, 17 min, 59 s to run a marathon. If the distance of a marathon is 42.2 km, what is the average speed of the runner?

avg speed= distance/time

= (42.2 )/time
where time is (2+17/60 + 59/3600)

To find the average speed of the runner, we need to divide the distance of the marathon by the time taken to complete it.

First, let's convert the time taken to run a marathon into hours. There are 60 minutes in an hour, so we can convert 17 minutes into hours by dividing it by 60: 17 min / 60 min/h = 0.283 h.

Similarly, there are 60 seconds in a minute, so we can convert 59 seconds into hours by dividing it by 3600: 59 s / 3600 s/h = 0.016 h.

Now add the converted minutes and seconds to the original time: 2 h + 0.283 h + 0.016 h = 2.299 h.

Next, divide the distance of the marathon by the time taken to get the average speed:
Average speed = Distance / Time
= 42.2 km / 2.299 h.

Calculating this, we find that the average speed of the runner is approximately 18.36 km/h.