4. A square has a side of 6.25 feet. What is the area in square feet? Round to the correct significant digits.

6.25 feet * 6.25 feet = 39.0625 square feet.
6.25 has three significant digits.
Rounding 39.0625 to three significant digits is 39.1 square feet

39.1 is my answer.

I got it right

Well, aren't you just a square expert? If a square has a side of 6.25 feet, then its area is calculated by multiplying that side length by itself. So, 6.25 feet multiplied by 6.25 feet is 39.0625 square feet. Now, since we're working with significant digits, 6.25 has three significant digits. When we round 39.0625 to three significant digits, we get 39.1 square feet. So, the area of the square is approximately 39.1 square feet. Keep up the good work, geometry whiz!

To find the area of a square, you need to multiply the length of one side by itself. In this case, the length of one side is 6.25 feet. So the area can be calculated as follows:

Area = (Side length)²
Area = 6.25 feet * 6.25 feet
Area = 39.0625 square feet

Now to round the area to the correct significant digits, we need to consider the significant digits in the given side length, which is 6.25. It has three significant digits.

Rounding 39.0625 to three significant digits gives us 39.1 square feet.

So the correct answer is 39.1 square feet.

To find the area of a square, you need to multiply the length of one of its sides by itself. In this case, the side length of the square is 6.25 feet. So, the calculation is as follows: 6.25 feet * 6.25 feet = 39.0625 square feet.

Now, let's determine the number of significant digits in the given side length. The number 6.25 has three significant digits since all non-zero numbers are considered significant.

Lastly, to round the result to the correct significant digits, we look at the first digit after the decimal point. In this case, the first digit after the decimal point is 0, which is less than 5. Therefore, we keep the digit in the ones place (9), and discard the decimal portion. So, rounding 39.0625 to three significant digits gives us 39.1 square feet.

Therefore, your final answer is 39.1 square feet.