I need help! Are these correct?

1. What is the value of 14 -a exponent2, given a= -3?

2. Which equation represents "fifteen more than r is sixty-one"?
A. r+61=15
B. r+15=61***
C. r-15=61
D. r-61=15

3. What is the value of 4 exponent 2 - 2(3×5+1)?
A. 8
B. 1
C. -16***
D. -21

4. What symbol is needed between -2 _ |-3| ?
A. <
B. >***
C. =


Find 9 and 10 on your own

Plus I jus submitted so it’s 100% correct

@Hubbub j is correct I got a 100%

100 Thanks to @hubbub j

all correct except the last one

- 2 < |-3|

1. To find the value of 14 - a^2 when a = -3, you can substitute the value of a into the equation and perform the calculations. Plug in a = -3 into the equation: 14 - (-3)^2. Simplify the exponent first by squaring -3: (-3)^2 = (-3)(-3) = 9. Now, the equation becomes 14 - 9 = 5. Therefore, the correct answer is D, 5.

2. Given the phrase "fifteen more than r is sixty-one," you can translate it into an equation. "More than" usually implies addition. So, you need to find an equation where r is being added to 15, and the sum is 61. Among the given options, equation B, r + 15 = 61, satisfies this condition. Therefore, the correct answer is B.

3. To find the value of 4^2 - 2(3×5+1), you should follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS), which prioritizes parentheses, exponents, multiplication/division (from left to right), and addition/subtraction (from left to right). Start by performing the calculations inside the parentheses: 3×5+1 = 15 + 1 = 16. Now, substitute this value back into the equation: 4^2 - 2(16). Simplify the exponent first: 4^2 = 4 × 4 = 16. Then, perform the multiplication: 2(16) = 32. Now, the equation becomes 16 - 32 = -16. Therefore, the correct answer is C, -16.

4. Between -2 and |-3|, you need to determine the correct symbol to represent the relationship between the two numbers. The vertical bars surrounding -3 indicate the absolute value of -3, which is always positive. So, the absolute value of -3 is equal to 3. Now, you need to compare -2 and 3. Since -2 is less than 3, the correct symbol to represent the relationship is B, > (greater than). Therefore, the correct answer is B.