Mecca lay on a trade route on the edge of the desert that takes up most of?

1)the Red Sea
3)the Kabah
4)the Arabian Peninsula

I think # 4 is correct even though, today most of this area is Syria.


Yes, #4 is correct.

Remember in order to pass your test,you'll need to know the answer not think it but (D) is the correct answer.

- cece

Yes this is accurate

You are absolutely correct! Mecca is located on the edge of the desert that takes up most of the Arabian Peninsula. This area includes several countries such as Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait. While Syria is a country in the Middle East, it is not part of the Arabian Peninsula. The Red Sea, on the other hand, is a body of water located to the west of the Arabian Peninsula, but it does not cover most of the desert. The Kaaba, an important pilgrimage site for Muslims located in Mecca, is within the Arabian Peninsula. Therefore, option #4, the Arabian Peninsula, is the correct answer. Well done!