Hi I have to write a paper on 2 opposing sides of tattoos. but everytime I show my teacher 2 sides I think of she keeps saying the paper is still one sided. Can someone please help me find 2 truly opposing arguements when it comes to tattoos thanks sooooo much.

Tattoos are attractive to those who get them and to many of their friends.

However, tattoos are essentially unremovable.

The young man who recently married my granddaughter has tattoos all over his arms. He acquired them when they seemed attractive to him. However, today I think they are an embarrassment with a different set of friends.

Which side does your teacher think you're biased toward?

Go to google and type in two opposing arguments about tattoos.

Then keep scrolling down until you reach the bottom. Then click that. You can read all about that.
It may help out.

Well I wrote tattoos are a good idea for some and a bad idea for others. The problem I am having is Why are they good and bad lol. I wrote how someone loves the fact they can have a picture of their deceased mom and how someone regrets they're tattoo acquired in college. but she says It still does not show 2 arguements I am so lost lol. Thanks for the help

Ok thank you

Why, you're welcome. Tell me what you come up with and then I'll still help you.

Finding truly opposing arguments on a topic like tattoos can be challenging, as opinions on this subject tend to vary. However, I can help you by suggesting two different perspectives that you can consider for your paper:

1. Cultural and Personal Expression:
Argument in favor: Many people argue that tattoos are a form of personal expression and are deeply connected to cultural and individual identity. Tattoos allow individuals to showcase their beliefs, values, and personal experiences through art, which can enhance self-confidence and self-expression.

Argument against: On the other hand, some people argue that tattoos can hinder personal and cultural expression. They believe that tattoos may restrict job opportunities or create social stigma, leading to judgments and discrimination based on appearance. Some cultures also discourage or view tattoos as disrespectful or inappropriate.

2. Health and Safety Concerns:
Argument in favor: Supporters argue that tattoos, when done in professional and regulated environments, pose minimal health risks. They claim that the tattoo industry has become increasingly regulated with strict safety measures, such as using sterile equipment, licensed artists, and sanitized environments. They argue that proper aftercare and responsible tattoo practices can minimize health complications.

Argument against: Conversely, opponents argue that tattoos can lead to various health risks and complications. They suggest that even with regulations, there is still a risk of infections, allergic reactions, and long-term skin problems. Additionally, they argue that the permanence of tattoos may result in regret, as personal tastes and preferences might change over time.

Remember, these arguments are just perspectives that you can consider for your paper. It's important to thoroughly research and gather evidence to support each argument, including real-world examples, statistics, expert opinions, and testimonials. Analyzing data and conducting surveys or interviews can help you present a well-rounded and comprehensive view on the opposing sides of tattoos.