Solve the equation 12xcube-8xsquare+kx+18=0 and find the value of k given that one root is negative of other

12x^3-8x^2+kx+18 = 0

If one root is a and the other is -a, then we have (with the third root being p)
12(x-a)(x+a)(x-p) = 12(x^2-a^2)(x-p)
= 12x^3-12px^2-12a^2x+12a^2p

So, we need
-12p = -8
p = 2/3

12a^2p = 18
a^2 = 9/4
a = 3/2

k = -12a^2 = -27

check: (3x-2)(2x-3)(2x+3) = 12x^3-8x^2-27x+18

Oh, solving equations! The land of mystery and suspense! So, you want to solve the equation 12xcube-8xsquare+kx+18=0 and also find the value of k, assuming one root is the negative of the other. Alright, challenge accepted!

Let's call the roots of this equation "a" and "-a" (because one root is the negative of the other, as you said).

Now, we know that the sum of the roots of a cubic equation of the form ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d = 0 is given by the formula: a + (-a) + x = -b/a.

In our case, this means that 0 + x = 8/12, which simplifies to x = 2/3.

Now that we have the value of x, we can substitute it back into the equation to find the value of k.

Substituting x = 2/3 into the equation 12xcube-8xsquare+kx+18=0, we get:

12 * (2/3)^3 - 8 * (2/3)^2 + k * (2/3) + 18 = 0.

Simplifying this equation would be like trying to juggle flaming hoops while riding a unicycle on a tightrope. So, let's use a calculator to find the value of k, shall we?

After crunching the numbers, we find that the value of k turns out to be approximately -10.666666666666666666666666666666666667. Don't worry, I've got more digits if you need them! But let's round it off to -10.67 for now.

So, dear problem-solver, the value of k is roughly -10.67. I hope this helps lighten the equation-solving process a little!

To solve the equation 12x^3 - 8x^2 + kx + 18 = 0 and find the value of k given that one root is the negative of the other, we can use the fact that if one root is "a," then the other root is "-a."

Let's assume that "a" is one of the roots of the equation. Since the other root is the negative of "a," the other root is "-a."

The sum of the roots of a cubic equation is given by the formula: sum of roots = -b/a, where "b" is the coefficient of the x^2 term and "a" is the coefficient of the x^3 term.

In our equation, the coefficient of the x^2 term is -8, and the coefficient of the x^3 term is 12.

So, the sum of the roots is: sum of roots = -(-8)/12 = 8/12 = 2/3.

Since the sum of the roots is 2/3, and we know that one root is "a" and the other is "-a," we can write the equation: a + (-a) = 2/3.

Simplifying the equation, we get: 0 = 2/3.

This implies that the equation has no real solutions for "a," which means it has no real roots that satisfy the condition of one root being the negative of the other.

Therefore, the value of "k" cannot be determined.

To solve the equation 12x^3 - 8x^2 + kx + 18 = 0 and find the value of k given that one root is the negative of the other, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Consider the equation in terms of one root being the negative of the other. Let's assume the roots of the equation are x and -x (since one root is the negative of the other).

Step 2: Use the fact that the sum of the roots of a cubic equation is equal to the negation of the coefficient of the x^2 term divided by the coefficient of the x^3 term. In this case, the sum of the roots is 0. Therefore, x + (-x) = 0.

Step 3: Substitute the values of the roots into the equation and simplify:

12x^3 - 8x^2 + kx + 18 = 0

12(x)(-x)(x) - 8(x)(-x) + k(x) + 18 = 0

-12x^3 + 8x^2 + kx + 18 = 0 (the equation with the roots substituted)

Step 4: Combine like terms and equate coefficients:

-12x^3 + 8x^2 + kx + 18 = -12x^3 - 8x^2 + kx + 18

-12x^3 + 8x^2 = -12x^3 - 8x^2

16x^2 = 0

Step 5: Solve the equation 16x^2 = 0 to find the possible values of x. Since x^2 cannot be negative, the only solution is x = 0.

Step 6: Substitute x = 0 into the equation to find the value of k:

12(0)^3 - 8(0)^2 + k(0) + 18 = 0

0 - 0 + 0 + 18 = 0

18 = 0

Since the equation 18 = 0 is not true, there is no value of k that satisfies the condition of one root being the negative of the other.
