Does LiAlH4 perform any kind of a reaction with a triple bond?

Can it reduce the triple bond in,

aniline-(CH2C*triple bond*CH) ?

This should help.

By the way, I didn't know there was a triple bond in aniline.

I meant C6H5-NH2-3-(CH2C*triple bond*CH)

Yes, LiAlH4 can react with a triple bond. Specifically, LiAlH4 is a powerful reducing agent commonly used in organic chemistry to reduce various functional groups, including triple bonds. It can convert a triple bond into a double bond or even a single bond, depending on the reaction conditions.

To understand why LiAlH4 can react with a triple bond, it's essential to know the mechanism of the reaction. LiAlH4 contains a hydride ion (H-) that acts as a nucleophile, meaning it can attack electron-deficient species.

In the case of a triple bond, the hydride ion can attack one of the carbon atoms, breaking the bond and forming a new sigma bond. This leads to the reduction of the triple bond to a double bond. The hydrogen atom from the hydride ion will bond to one of the carbon atoms, while the other carbon atom remains with a double bond.

The reduction of a triple bond with LiAlH4 usually requires an appropriate solvent and specific reaction conditions to ensure the safety and efficiency of the reaction.

Overall, LiAlH4 can indeed perform a reaction with a triple bond, resulting in the reduction of the triple bond to a double bond.