What is the simplified form of this expression?

5x(2x(2 <<<is a exponent to it is tiny
10x(tiny 3
20x (tiny 2****
10x(tiny 2
100x(tiny 4

Abagail, did you see my reading post I sent you last night? If not, I need to repost.

Now, if you meant 5*(2x)2) you can add exponents here like this
5*(2x)^2 which of course it 5 *4x^2 or

* means multiply, dont use x, as we use x for a variable.
/ means divide
^ means exponent follows

Thanks I did see your post last night Im just hitting some rough stuff right and needs your help, I appreciate it

To simplify this expression, you need to follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS), which stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), and Addition and Subtraction (from left to right).

Let's go step by step:

1. Begin by simplifying any exponents. In this case, the exponents are indicated by the "tiny" notation.

- For 2^(tiny), we can remove the exponent notation since "tiny" usually represents exponent "1". So, 2^(tiny) is equal to 2^1 = 2.

2. Next, evaluate any multiplication or division operations from left to right.

- In the given expression, we have:
a) 5x * 2x = 10x^2
b) 10x * 3 = 30x
c) 20x * 2 = 40x^2
d) 10x * 2 = 20x
e) 100x * 4 = 400x^2

3. Finally, combine the terms that have the same variables and exponents.

- The simplified expression is the sum of the resulting terms:

10x^2 + 30x + 40x^2 + 20x + 400x^2

- Combine like terms:

(10x^2 + 40x^2 + 400x^2) + (30x + 20x)

450x^2 + 50x

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression is 450x^2 + 50x.