A model of a rail road station has a scale of 1 inch equals 3.5 feet. The dimensions of the model railroad are 34 inches by 18 inches. What are the dimensions of the actual railroad station?

3.5 feet by 18 feet
34 feet by 63 feet
102 feet by 63 feet
119 feet by 63 feet ***

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To determine the dimensions of the actual railroad station, we can use the given scale ratio. The scale is 1 inch equals 3.5 feet.

First, let's find the conversion factor from inches to feet. Since 1 inch represents 3.5 feet, we divide the dimensions of the model railroad by the scale ratio:

Length of the actual railroad station = (34 inches) / (1 inch/3.5 feet) = 34 inches * (3.5 feet/inch) = 119 feet

Width of the actual railroad station = (18 inches) / (1 inch/3.5 feet) = 18 inches * (3.5 feet/inch) = 63 feet

Therefore, the dimensions of the actual railroad station are 119 feet by 63 feet.