The Great Plains Baking Club at a Kansas middle school is writing a cookbook. Its main focus is favorite cake recipes. Club members plan to sell their book at the Mile-High Bakers Conference in Denver, Colorado. What information should they include to support the successful outcomes of their recipes?

A description of each recipe’s cultural origin ****
Charts of how altitude affects baking times
A list of awards associated with each recipe Biographies of the baking club members

*A list of awards associated with each recipe

Biographies of the baking club members

What does this part of the question mean?

"... the successful outcomes of their recipes"

Look up the word "outcomes" if you're not sure.

And read this:

A list of awards associated with each recipe

No. That's two wrong guesses. Please don't post about this question again.

To support the successful outcomes of the cake recipes included in their cookbook, the Great Plains Baking Club should consider including the following information:

1. Cultural Origin: Providing a description of each recipe's cultural origin adds an interesting and informative aspect to the cookbook. This information not only educates readers about the cultural significance of certain cake recipes but also provides context and adds depth to each recipe's story.

To include this information, the club can research the history or background of each cake recipe and provide a brief description that highlights its cultural origin. This could include details about the region, country, or specific traditions associated with the cake.

2. Altitude and Baking Times: As the Mile-High Bakers Conference is in Denver, Colorado, the club should be mindful of the high altitude and how it can affect baking times and outcomes. Including charts or guidelines that outline how altitude affects baking times will help ensure that bakers who use the cookbook in different elevations can achieve desirable results.

The charts can indicate how adjustments need to be made to temperature, time, or ingredient proportions to account for the high altitudes typically found in Denver. With this information, bakers using the cookbook will be better equipped to adapt the recipes to their specific geographical location.

3. Awards and Special Recognition: Including a list of awards associated with each recipe adds credibility and showcases the exceptional qualities of the recipes in the cookbook. If any of the club's recipes have won awards, received recognition at competitions, or have been endorsed by experts, it would be beneficial to highlight these accolades to instill confidence in readers and generate interest.

By mentioning the awards or recognition received, the club can build trust among potential buyers, boasting the quality and success of their recipes.

While including the biographies of the baking club members might be a nice personal touch, it may not necessarily contribute directly to the successful outcomes of the recipes. However, if the club members have notable achievements or credentials related to baking, it might be worth considering including these details alongside their names or in a separate section to establish credibility and expertise.