On the blueprint of Lauren's new office building, the scale is 3 in. equals 8 ft. What will be the actual length of Lauren's office if it measures 6 in. long on the blueprint?

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can't find previous posts..still don't get it

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is this correct? makes sense to me, but it seems like I am missing something about showing my work

if 3 in = 8 ft
then 6 in = 16 ft

Yay! You are right! It does make sense!! :-)

You could use a proportion to show your work.

3 / 8 = 6 / x
3x = 48
x = 16

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To find the actual length of Lauren's office, we can use the scale provided on the blueprint, which states that 3 inches on the blueprint represents 8 feet in reality.

Let's set up a proportion using the given information. We know that 3 inches on the blueprint represents 8 feet in reality. We can represent this as:

3 inches / 8 feet = 6 inches / x

To find the value of x (the actual length of Lauren's office), we can cross-multiply and solve for x.

3 inches * x = 6 inches * 8 feet

Now, we can simplify the equation:

3x = 6 * 8

3x = 48

Divide both sides of the equation by 3:

x = 48 / 3

x = 16

So, the actual length of Lauren's office will be 16 feet.