Different between voltery and in voltary muscles


the prefix in- means the negative, or not

The correct terms are "voluntary" and "involuntary" muscles.

Voluntary Muscles:
Voluntary muscles, also known as skeletal muscles or striated muscles, are the muscles that we have conscious control over. These muscles are attached to our bones and play a crucial role in our ability to move our bodies. We can voluntarily contract and relax these muscles to produce movements such as walking, running, and picking up objects. Examples of voluntary muscles include the biceps, quadriceps, and triceps.

Involuntary Muscles:
Involuntary muscles, also known as smooth muscles or non-striated muscles, are found in various organs and tissues of the body and are not under conscious control. These muscles carry out essential functions inside our body, such as the contraction of blood vessels, digestion, and regulation of respiratory airflow. They work automatically and unconsciously, responding to signals from the nervous system and hormones. Examples of involuntary muscles include those found in the digestive system, blood vessels, and respiratory system.

How to distinguish between voluntary and involuntary muscles:
1. Control: Voluntary muscles are under conscious control, meaning we can control their contractions and relaxations. Involuntary muscles, on the other hand, work without our conscious control.
2. Location: Voluntary muscles are generally attached to bones and are responsible for skeletal movements. Involuntary muscles are found within organs and tissues, supporting various internal body functions.
3. Striations: Voluntary muscles have a striped or striated appearance due to the arrangement of muscle fibers. Involuntary muscles lack striations and have a smooth appearance.

It is important to note that while most muscles in the body are either voluntary or involuntary, there are certain muscles that possess both characteristics, such as the muscles of the diaphragm, which are primarily involuntary but can be controlled to a certain extent.