For my english project I am asked to do the following, "write a research project that is 850 words long in MLA format. My teacher asks the following, in part 2, summarize the findings of your articles and provide commentary and analysis of the information from the source. What did you learn from the source? What did you find interesting?Were you surprised by your findings in the essay? Just dont summarize and simply move on." What i am finding confusing is the fact I thought MLA format should be written in third person but in this case is he asking that I write in first?

Part 1 is written in the third person. But your teacher is very specific that part 2 is obviously written in the first person.

In MLA format, using third person is generally recommended as it provides a more objective tone to the research paper. However, in the specific instructions provided by your teacher, they seem to be asking for your personal reflection and analysis on the findings from your articles. It seems appropriate to use first person in this section to express your own thoughts and opinions.

When summarizing the findings of your articles, remember to provide a concise overview of the main points and arguments presented in each source. Avoid lengthy repetitions and focus on the most significant information that supports your research topic.

For the commentary and analysis section, you can share what you have learned from the sources, highlighting the key insights, connections, or patterns you discovered. Discuss any unexpected or interesting findings that you came across while conducting your research. Reflect on how the new information has affected your understanding of the topic or shaped your perspective.

Make sure to explain why certain findings surprised you or aroused your interest. Provide thoughtful and critical analysis by considering different perspectives or examining the implications of the information you found.

Remember, for the rest of your research project, it is advisable to follow the conventions of MLA format by using third person. However, the specific "commentary and analysis" section allows for first-person language to express your personal reflection on the sources.