If you search analyzing a political cartoon by Gary Bookins, it's should be the first link (a PDF)

It's an analyzing a political cartoon it's page 60 on the website!!

31. Who or what does the lifeguard represent?
33. Who or what helped identify the lifeguard?

I really don't get it please help! Thank you!

The lifeguard represents the US (read the life preserver)

To answer your questions about analyzing a political cartoon by Gary Bookins, it seems that you have provided specific details about the source and the page number where the cartoon is located. However, as an AI text-based model, I cannot directly search the internet or access specific websites or their page numbers.

Nevertheless, I can guide you on how to analyze a political cartoon and provide some general tips. These tips should help you answer questions 31 and 33 regarding the representation of the lifeguard and who or what helped identify the lifeguard:

1. Observe the visual elements: Take a close look at the cartoon's imagery, characters, and symbols. Pay attention to details such as facial expressions, body language, clothing, and any objects or symbols used.

2. Consider the context: Political cartoons are often created in response to specific events, issues, or political climate. Understand the broader context surrounding the cartoon, such as current events or a specific topic being addressed.

3. Identify the main message or theme: Determine what the cartoon is trying to convey. Look for any commentary on political figures, ideologies, social issues, or events. Consider the artist's opinion or perspective.

4. Analyze symbolism: Political cartoons frequently use symbolism to convey meaning. Symbols might represent specific individuals, institutions, or ideas. Look for clues within the cartoon or rely on your knowledge of current events, history, or cultural references to understand the symbols used.

5. Evaluate the title or caption: Often, political cartoons have a title or caption that provides additional context or clarifies the artist's intent. Analyze the words used and how they connect to the visual elements of the cartoon.

To specifically answer your questions about the lifeguard:

31. Who or what does the lifeguard represent? Look for visual cues or symbolism within the cartoon that might indicate the lifeguard's representation. Consider the context and what or who the lifeguard could symbolize based on your interpretation.

33. Who or what helped identify the lifeguard? Examine the cartoon and any other elements nearby that might provide clues about who or what helped identify the lifeguard. This could be another character, object, or symbol present in the cartoon.

By following these steps and using your critical thinking skills, you should be able to analyze the political cartoon effectively and answer these questions more accurately.