Given: Angle 2 and Angle 4 are vertical angles

m angle 2 = 125 degrees

Prove: m angle 4 = 125 degrees

you should know that vertical angles are congruent.

Each angle and its adjacent angle form a straight angle. So, the adjacent angles are 55°.

125+55 = 180
55+125 = 180

(I'm not too sure on how to do this type of thing)

Given: Angle 2 and Angle 4 are vertical angles
m∠2 = 125°

Prove: m∠4 = 125°

To prove that m angle 4 is also 125 degrees, we can use the fact that vertical angles are congruent, meaning they have the same measure.

Given that angle 2 and angle 4 are vertical angles, we know that they have the same measure.

Therefore, we can conclude that m angle 4 is also 125 degrees.

To prove that m angle 4 is also 125 degrees, we can use the fact that vertical angles are congruent. In other words, if two angles are vertical angles, then their measures are equal.

To prove this, we can apply the Vertical Angles Theorem. The Vertical Angles Theorem states that if two angles are vertical angles, then they are congruent.

Given that angle 2 and angle 4 are vertical angles, we can conclude that their measures are equal. Since m angle 2 is given as 125 degrees, we can say that:

m angle 4 = m angle 2

Therefore, by substituting the given measure of angle 2, we can conclude that:

m angle 4 = 125 degrees

This proves that m angle 4 is indeed 125 degrees.