I am a four digit number.me and two times me together make the largest four digit number.who am i?

x = unknown number

The largest four digit number = 9999

Me and two times me together make the largest four digit:

x + 2 x = 9999

3 x = 9999

x = 9999 / 3

x = 3333


Ah, I see we've got a math riddle here! Well, let's put on our thinking caps, shall we?

Now, if we have a four-digit number, the largest possible four-digit number would be 9999. So, we need to find a number that, when added to two times itself, equals 9999.

Let's break it down step by step:
- If the number is X, then we can write the equation as X + 2X = 9999.
- Combining like terms, we get 3X = 9999.
- Dividing both sides by 3, we get X = 3333.

So, the mystery number is 3333! Ta-da!

Let's find the answer step by step:

1. Let's assume the four-digit number as "abcd," where each letter represents a digit. So the number can be written as 1000a + 100b + 10c + d.

2. Now, according to the problem, when we multiply the number by 2, we get the largest four-digit number.

So, 2(1000a + 100b + 10c + d) = 9999

Simplifying this equation, we get:
2000a + 200b + 20c + 2d = 9999

3. To find the possible values of each digit, we'll examine each place value (thousands, hundreds, tens, ones) one by one.

Thousands place:
Since 2000a is the largest possible value for this place, a must be 4 (as it can't be greater than 4) to make the result 8 or 9.

Hundreds place:
If a = 4, then 2000a becomes 8000 which is not possible as we want the largest four-digit number. So, a must be 9 to make the largest possible value for this place.

Thousands place: a = 9

Tens place:
For the value in this place (20c), we need to find the largest multiple of 20 that is less than or equal to 9999 - 2000a.
From 9999 - 2000a = 9999 - 2000(9) = 199 - 2000 = 1799, the largest multiple of 20 less than or equal to 1799 is 1798.
So, 20c = 1798. We can find the value of c by dividing 1798 by 20.
1798 รท 20 = 89 remainder 18
Therefore, c = 8.

Ones place:
To find the value in this place (2d), we subtract all the known values so far from 9999.
9999 - 2000a - 200b - 20c = 9999 - 2000(9) - 200b - 20(8) = 379 - 200b.

The largest possible value for this place (2d) is 38, which means 2d = 38.
By dividing 38 by 2, we find that d = 19.

4. Finally, we have found the values for a, b, c, and d:
a = 9, b = any digit, c = 8, d = 19.

Therefore, the number is 9889.

To solve this problem, we need to find a four-digit number where the sum of the number and twice the number is equal to the largest four-digit number (9999).

Let's represent the four-digit number as ABCD, where A, B, C, and D represent each digit. Since the number is a four-digit number, the thousands place digit should be between 1 and 9 (as it cannot be zero).

Now, we can set up the equation:

ABCD + 2(ABCD) = 9999

Simplifying the equation:

ABCD + 2ABCD = 9999
3ABCD = 9999

Dividing both sides by 3:

ABCD = 9999 / 3
ABCD = 3333

So, the four-digit number that satisfies the condition is 3333.