An article is marked 40% over its cost price. Two successive discounts of 14 2/7% and 10% are allowed on the marked price of the article. Find the profit/loss per cent after selling at discount.

1) 7% Loss
2) 8% loss
3) 8% profit
4) 7% profit.

1.4 c * 85 2/7% * 90% = ?

85 5/7 %

sir how u got 85 5/7% ?

come on. a 10% discount means that the new price is 90% as much (100 - 10 = 90)

similarly, a 14 2/7% discount means the result is (100 - 14 2/7)% = 85 5/7%

1.4 c * 85 2/7% * 90% = 1.0746 c

7.46% above original cost

looks like 4)

To find the profit/loss percentage after selling at a discount, we need to calculate the selling price and then compare it with the cost price.

Let's start by finding the selling price.

The article is marked 40% over its cost price, which means the marked price is 140% (100% + 40%) of the cost price.

So, let's assume the cost price of the article is $100. Therefore, the marked price would be 140% of $100, which is $140.

Now, we have two successive discounts on the marked price - 14 2/7% and 10%.

To calculate the first discount, we need to find 14 2/7% of $140.

14 2/7% can be written as a fraction: 100/7%.

Therefore, the first discount amount is (100/7)% of $140, which is (100/7) * $140 / 100 = $20.

Now, subtract the first discount from the marked price:

Selling price after the first discount = $140 - $20 = $120.

Next, let's calculate the second discount of 10% on the selling price after the first discount.

10% of $120 = 10/100 * $120 = $12.

Subtract the second discount from the selling price after the first discount:

Final selling price = $120 - $12 = $108.

Now, let's calculate the profit/loss percentage.

Profit/Loss = (Selling Price - Cost Price) / Cost Price * 100%

To calculate the cost price, we assumed it to be $100.

Profit/Loss = ($108 - $100) / $100 * 100% = $8 / $100 * 100% = 8%

Therefore, the profit/loss percentage after selling at a discount is 8%, which corresponds to option 3) 8% profit.