I want to enlarge a 8 and 1/2 inch by 11 inch drawing to about 12 by 16 inches on the copy machine. What per centage of enlargement should I set the copy machine?


check the ratios.

12/8.5 = 141%
16/11 = 145%

So, use 141% so the width will fit. If you are really doing this on a machine, I think you'll find 141% on the menu.

To determine the percentage of enlargement needed, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the current dimensions of the drawing:
The original drawing is 8.5 inches wide and 11 inches tall.

Step 2: Calculate the desired dimensions of the enlarged drawing:
The desired width is 12 inches, and the desired height is 16 inches.

Step 3: Calculate the enlargement percentage:
To find the enlargement percentage, compare the original dimensions to the desired dimensions.

For the width:
Enlargement percentage = (Desired width - Current width) / Current width * 100
= (12 - 8.5) / 8.5 * 100

For the height:
Enlargement percentage = (Desired height - Current height) / Current height * 100
= (16 - 11) / 11 * 100

Step 4: Calculate the average of the two percentages:
To get a single enlargement percentage for the overall enlargement, you can take the average of the width and height percentages from Step 3.

Overall Enlargement percentage = (Enlargement percentage for width + Enlargement percentage for height) / 2

By following these steps and performing the calculations, you will obtain the exact enlargement percentage that you should set on the copy machine.