A special snack mix uses raisens, peanuts, and chocolate candies in the ratio 1:2:5 respectively. In a snack mix of 112 ounces, how man ounces of peanuts are used??

let the number of ounces of raisins, peanuts, and chocolates be

x , 2x, and 5x

x+2x+5x = 112


To find the number of ounces of peanuts used in the special snack mix, we first need to determine the ratio of peanuts to the total ratio of all the ingredients.

The given ratio is raisins:peanuts:chocolate candies = 1:2:5.

We can calculate the total ratio by adding up the individual ratio values: 1 + 2 + 5 = 8.

Now, to find the number of ounces of peanuts, we need to calculate the fraction of the total ratio that represents peanuts.

Peanuts ratio fraction = (peanuts ratio)/(total ratio)
= 2/8
= 1/4

This means that 1/4 of the snack mix is made up of peanuts.

Next, we need to find out how many ounces of the snack mix are used for peanuts. To do this, multiply the total weight of the snack mix by the fraction of peanuts.

Ounces of peanuts = (1/4) * 112
= 28

So, 28 ounces of peanuts are used in the snack mix.

14 Thank you!