Ethel collects animal stickers.She has 30 cat stickers,15 horse stickers,19 dog stickers and 11 rabbit stickers. One third of the horse stickers are round and the rest are square. One fifth of the cat stickers are square and the rest are round. All the dog stickers are square. All the rabbit stickers are round . What proportion of all stickers are round?

just put together what you know:

horse: 5 round, 10 square
cat: 24 round, 6 square
dog: 0 round, 19 square
rabbit: 11 round, 0 square

so, now you can easily figure what fraction are round.

To find the proportion of round stickers, we need to determine the total number of round stickers divided by the total number of stickers.

First, let's gather the relevant information:
- Number of cat stickers: 30
- Number of horse stickers: 15
- Number of dog stickers: 19
- Number of rabbit stickers: 11

We also need to determine the number of round stickers for each animal:

1. Cat stickers:
- One-fifth of cat stickers are square, which means four-fifths are round.
- So, the number of round cat stickers is (4/5) * 30.

2. Horse stickers:
- One-third of horse stickers are round, which means two-thirds are square.
- So, the number of round horse stickers is (1/3) * 15.

3. Dog stickers:
- All the dog stickers are square, so the number of round dog stickers is 0.

4. Rabbit stickers:
- All the rabbit stickers are round, so the number of round rabbit stickers is 11.

Now, let's calculate the total number of round stickers:
Total round stickers = (4/5) * 30 + (1/3) * 15 + 0 + 11

Finally, we can find the proportion of round stickers by dividing the total number of round stickers by the total number of stickers:
Proportion of round stickers = Total round stickers / (30 + 15 + 19 + 11)

You can now substitute the values into the formula and calculate the proportion of round stickers.