What does this quote mean? How does it establish a democratic government?

"A President can never be heedless (or neglectful) with public opinion"

It Means that he has to listen to everyones problems and try and fix them and do what is best for the US and not just do waht he wants because then it would be a dictatorship of some sort...i believe??

May I ask why you are asking the same questions tonight that you asked yesterday? I have seen 3 that I answered for you last night. Are you not finding the answers?

The quote "A President can never be heedless with public opinion" suggests that a president should always take public opinion into consideration when making decisions. It means that a president cannot ignore or neglect the voices and concerns of the people they represent.

To establish a democratic government, it is essential to have a president who values and respects public opinion. In a democratic system, the power lies with the people, and their opinions should guide the governance of the nation. The quote implies that a president must continually listen to and understand the concerns, needs, and desires of the public. By doing so, the president can make informed decisions that align with the will of the people. This fosters a democratic environment by involving citizens in the decision-making process and ensuring their voices are heard and responded to.