I have to write a word problem with this expression. (3x2)x(3x15)

Please help. Thank you!

a garden is 2x15 yards in size.

what is its area, in ft^2?

Sure! Let's create a word problem using the expression (3x2) x (3x15):

Imagine a group of students who are participating in a math competition. Each student has to solve two math problems, and these two problems are randomly selected from a bank of 3 problems. Additionally, at the end of the competition, the students have to answer 15 general knowledge questions.

Now, let's represent the number of groups of students as the expression (3x2) x (3x15).

The phrase "3x2" represents the number of ways to select two math problems from the bank of three problems.
The phrase "3x15" represents the number of general knowledge questions that each group of students has to answer.

So, the expression (3x2) x (3x15) can be interpreted as the total number of math and general knowledge questions that all the groups of students have to answer in the competition.

For example, if there are 3 groups of students, each group would solve 2 math problems, and then collectively they would answer 15 general knowledge questions. To find the total number of questions, we calculate (3x2) x (3x15) = 6 x 45 = 270.