Hi i have to do a worksheet for school. I'm not asking for the answers just how to evaluate things such as radical 13 or two radical 3?

Please help!!

radicals that aren't "even" roots are irrational numbers ... the decimals are infinite

if the numbers have a whole root factor, then take that out

√24 = √4 * √6 = 2√6

a calculator can give an approximate value, but the radical form is exact

You used 4 and 6. Could you have used 12 and 2?

Your number should have at least one perfect square as a factor, or else there is no advantage in separating the radical into factors

e.g. √24 = √4*√6 = 2√6
√24 = √2*√12 ----> not simplified
√24 = √3*√8
= √3*√4*√2
= 2*√3*√2 = 2√6 ----> long way to get my first answer

√72 = √9*√4*√2 = 3*2*√2 = 6√2
√72 = √36*√2 = 6√2
going for the highest perfect square yields the final result faster

Of course! I'm here to help you understand how to evaluate expressions involving radicals. Evaluating radicals involves finding their approximate values. Here's how you can evaluate expressions like radical 13 or two radical 3:

1. Start by understanding what a radical represents. A radical (√) symbol indicates the principal square root of a number.
- For example, √9 represents the principal square root of 9, which is 3.

2. For numbers that are not perfect squares (numbers whose square roots are whole numbers), we need to estimate the value of the radical.
- In your case, radical 13 or √13 is not a perfect square.

3. You can use a calculator to find the approximate value of radical 13.
- Type "√13" into a calculator, and it should give you an approximate value.

4. For expressions like two radical 3 or 2√3, you can evaluate it in a similar way.
- Multiply the coefficient (in this case, 2) by the value of the radical (√3).
- Use a calculator to find the approximate value of √3, and then multiply it by 2.

Remember, when evaluating radicals, your answer will typically be an approximate value since square roots of non-perfect square numbers cannot be expressed as exact values.