horizontal and vertical component of earth's magnetic field at a place are 0.22 tesla and 0.38 tesla respectively then find the resultant intensity of magnetic field

They are at ninety degrees...

field= sqrt(.22^2+.38^2)

To find the resultant intensity of the magnetic field, we can use vector addition. The horizontal and vertical components of the magnetic field can be thought of as two perpendicular vectors.

Horizontal component (Bh) = 0.22 Tesla
Vertical component (Bv) = 0.38 Tesla

To find the resultant intensity (Br), we can use the Pythagorean theorem:

Br = √(Bh^2 + Bv^2)

Substituting the given values:

Br = √((0.22 Tesla)^2 + (0.38 Tesla)^2)


Br = √(0.0484 Tesla^2 + 0.1444 Tesla^2)

Br = √(0.1928 Tesla^2)

Br ≈ 0.439 Tesla

Therefore, the resultant intensity of the magnetic field at the given place is approximately 0.439 Tesla.