How does Goldwater's conservative vision for America compare to Johnson's "Great Society"?

We'll be glad to critique your answer.

I suggest you start by briefly describing both visions.

Well Lyndon B. Johnson's goal of the "Great Society" was to end poverty, racial injustice, and provide abundance and liberty for all.

Both Johnson and Goldwater didn't favor big governments.

Are you sure about Johnson's views of big government?

Here's more information about Goldwater's ideals.

To compare Goldwater's conservative vision for America with Johnson's "Great Society," we first need to understand what each of these visions entailed. Here's how you can explore and compare these two political ideologies:

1. Research Goldwater's conservative vision:
- Look for Goldwater's speeches, writings, or policy proposals.
- Study his book, "The Conscience of a Conservative," which outlines his principles and political philosophy.
- Identify key elements of his vision, such as limited government, individual freedom, and a free-market economy.

2. Research Johnson's "Great Society":
- Study Johnson's speeches, State of the Union addresses, and policy initiatives.
- Explore key aspects of the "Great Society" like the War on Poverty, civil rights legislation, and the focus on social welfare and education programs.

3. Analyze the similarities and differences:
- Consider the role of government: Goldwater advocated for limited government intervention, while Johnson's "Great Society" involved an expansion of governmental programs.
- Examine their view on individual rights and liberties: Goldwater prioritized individual freedom, while Johnson aimed to address societal inequalities and expand civil rights.
- Consider their economic visions: Goldwater favored free markets, while Johnson advocated for government intervention to address poverty and inequality.

4. Compare the societal impact:
- Assess the consequences: Investigate how Goldwater's vision influenced conservative ideology and the Republican Party. Consider how Johnson's "Great Society" shaped social welfare programs and civil rights advancements in the United States.

By conducting thorough research on Goldwater's conservative vision and Johnson's "Great Society," analyzing their key elements, and examining their societal impact, you can compare and contrast these two political ideologies in a comprehensive manner.