Jim's weekly pay is 2/3 of ALicia's. Together they earn $600 per week. What is each person's pay?

Can you leave me an equation on how to solve this?

Let Alicia's pay be Y.
Then Jim's pay is (2/3)Y.
Y + (2/3)Y = 600.
Solve for Y, then (2/3)Y.
Post your work if you get stuck.

To solve this problem, let's assign a variable to Alicia's weekly pay. Let's call it Y.

According to the problem statement, Jim's weekly pay is 2/3 of Alicia's, which means Jim's pay is (2/3)Y.

Together, they earn $600 per week. So we can express their total earnings as the sum of their individual pay: Y + (2/3)Y = 600.

To find Alicia's pay, we need to solve this equation for Y.

First, we combine the terms Y and (2/3)Y:

(1 + 2/3)Y = 600

To simplify, we find a common denominator:

(3/3 + 2/3)Y = 600

(5/3)Y = 600

Now, we isolate Y by dividing both sides of the equation by 5/3:

Y = (600) / (5/3)

To divide by a fraction, we can multiply by its reciprocal:

Y = (600 * 3/5)

Y = 360

Therefore, Alicia's pay is $360 per week.

To find Jim's pay, we substitute the value of Y back into the expression for Jim's pay:

Jim's pay = (2/3)Y = (2/3)*(360) = 240

Therefore, Jim's pay is $240 per week.

So, Alicia's pay is $360 and Jim's pay is $240.