When deciding where to store materials in your classroom an important principal to remember is that materials:

A. should be stored in one area of the room.
B. must be accessible and easy to use.
C. should all have a designated use.
D. must be kept in containers with lids.


thank you very much Ms.Sue

You're very welcome, Bev.

When deciding where to store materials in your classroom, the important principle to remember is that materials should be accessible and easy to use. This means that students should be able to reach the materials easily and they should be organized in a way that allows students to find what they need quickly.

To answer this question, you should consider some basic principles of classroom organization. It is important to have a designated storage area for materials, but it doesn't necessarily have to be in one specific location in the room. It can be helpful to have different storage areas for different types of materials, such as a shelf for books and a bin for art supplies. This allows for greater accessibility and organization.

Option B is the correct answer because it emphasizes the importance of accessibility and ease of use. It is important for students to be able to independently access and use materials for their learning. Whether it's books, art supplies, or other instructional materials, having them easily accessible enhances student engagement and efficiency in the classroom.