Conditions that support creativity include all of the following EXCEPT:

A. a stimulating environment.
B. overwhelming tasks.
C. respect for children’s contributions.
D. supporting individual differences.

Never overwhelm a kid, they shut down.

Yes, you are correct. Overwhelming tasks do not support creativity.

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze each option:

A. a stimulating environment.
A stimulating environment is known to enhance creativity by providing resources, materials, and opportunities that spark imagination and innovation. This option supports creativity.

B. overwhelming tasks.
Overwhelming tasks can hinder creativity because they can cause stress, discouragement, and a feeling of being overwhelmed, which can restrict creative thinking. This option does not support creativity.

C. respect for children’s contributions.
Respecting children's contributions fosters a positive and supportive atmosphere, where children feel valued and empowered. This encourages them to express their ideas, thoughts, and creativity. This option supports creativity.

D. supporting individual differences.
Supporting individual differences recognizes and celebrates the unique strengths, interests, and abilities of each child. It encourages diverse thinking and creative approaches, endorsing creativity. This option supports creativity.

Based on the analysis, it appears that the correct answer is B. overwhelming tasks, as it does not support creativity.