There are fifty students in a class. In a 100 marks exam, 20 students scored less than 30 marks, 5 students scored more than 70 marks and the remaining scored between 30 and 70 marks. If passing score is 55 marks and 40% students have passed the test, what is the percentage of students who scored between 55 and 70?

5 students scored more than 70.

40% of 50 (20) students scored below 55.

That leaves (50-25) students scoring between 55-70. What percentage is that?

To find the percentage of students who scored between 55 and 70 marks, we need to determine how many students scored in that range.

Given information:
- There are 50 students in total.
- 20 students scored less than 30 marks.
- 5 students scored more than 70 marks.
- The remaining students scored between 30 and 70 marks.
- The passing score is 55 marks.
- 40% of students passed the test.

To determine the number of students who scored between 55 and 70 marks, follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the number of students who passed the test.
The passing score is 55 marks, and 40% of students passed. So, the number of students who passed is:
40% of 50 students = (40/100) * 50 = 20 students

Step 2: Calculate the number of students who scored less than 55 marks.
From the given information, 20 students scored less than 30 marks. Therefore, the number of students who scored between 30 and 54 marks is:
Total students who scored less than 55 = Total students who scored less than 30 marks = 20 students.

Step 3: Calculate the number of students who scored between 55 and 70 marks.
Total number of students who scored between 55 and 70 = Total students - Students failed - Students who scored less than 55 - Students who scored more than 70
Total number of students who scored between 55 and 70 = 50 - 20 - 20 - 5 = 5 students.

Step 4: Calculate the percentage of students who scored between 55 and 70 marks.
The percentage can be calculated using the following formula:
Percentage = (Number of students who scored between 55 and 70 / Total number of students) * 100

Percentage of students who scored between 55 and 70 = (5 / 50) * 100

Therefore, the percentage of students who scored between 55 and 70 is 10%.