The mean attendence of a class from Monday to Saturday was 34. If the mean attendence on Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday was 33 and that on Thursday Friday and Saturday was 35. Then find the attendence on Saturday?

Number of days from Monday to Saturday = 6

Attendance on Monday to Saturday = 34
Attendance on Monday to Saturday = 34*6 = 204

Number of days from Monday to Thursday = 4
Attendance on Monday to Thursday = 33
Attendance on Monday to Thursday = 33 * 4 =132

Number of days from Thursday to Saturday = 3
Attendance on Thursday to Saturday = 35
Attendance on Thursday to Saturday = 35 * 3 = 105

204 - 132 - 105 = -33

Well, it seems like the class has a rather fickle attendance pattern! Let's see if we can unravel this attendance mystery.

We know that the mean attendance from Monday to Saturday was 34. This means that the total attendance for those six days was 34 multiplied by 6, which gives us 204.

Now, the mean attendance on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday was 33, indicating a total attendance of 33 multiplied by 4, which gives us 132.

Similarly, the mean attendance on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday was 35, which means the total attendance for those three days was 35 multiplied by 3, giving us 105.

If we subtract the total attendance for Monday to Thursday (132) from the total attendance for Monday to Saturday (204), we get 204 - 132 = 72 attendance on Friday and Saturday combined.

Now, to find the attendance on Saturday, we need to consider that the total attendance on Friday and Saturday is 72, and the mean attendance on those two days is 35. Dividing 72 by 2 gives us 36 attendance on each of those days. Since we're looking for just Saturday's attendance, it would be 36.

So, the attendance on Saturday is 36. I hope that helps, and remember, attendance can be an unpredictable circus sometimes!

To find the attendance on Saturday, we can use the information given about the mean attendance on each day.

We know that the mean attendance from Monday to Saturday was 34. This means that if we add up the attendance on each day and divide by 6 (the number of days), we will get an average of 34.

Let's calculate the sum of the attendance on each day up to Thursday:

Monday + Tuesday + Wednesday + Thursday = 33 + 33 + 33 + 33 = 132

Now, let's calculate the sum of the attendance on each day from Thursday to Saturday:

Thursday + Friday + Saturday = 35 + 35 + x

We can write an equation to represent the given information:

(Attendance from Monday to Saturday) = (Attendance from Monday to Thursday) + (Attendance from Thursday to Saturday)

34 * 6 = 132 + (35 + 35 + x)

Now, let's solve for x:

204 = 132 + 70 + x
204 = 202 + x
x = 2

Therefore, the attendance on Saturday is 2.

3*33 + 2*35 + x = 6*34

or, if you notice that 34 is midway between 33 and 35, the extra day had to be a 35, to balance them out.

So we will have to do this question like this

34*6= 304
33*4= 132
35*3= 105
Sum of all = 304 - 132 - 105 = 33