A fruit seller sold 234 apples.He sold twice as many apples as mangoes.how many more apples did he sell?

234 = 2m

m = 117

so, 117 mangoes, 234 apples

A fruit seller sold 234 apples hosold twice as many apples as mangoes? how many more apples then mangoes did he sell

What is the answer for this question

What is the answer


234 divided by 2

= 117
so the fruit seller sold 117 mangoes and 234 apples

To find out how many more apples the fruit seller sold, we first need to determine the number of mangoes he sold. We know that he sold twice as many apples as mangoes.

Let's assume the number of mangoes sold is represented by the variable 'm'. Therefore, the number of apples sold would be '2m', according to the given information.

We are also given that the total number of apples sold is 234. Therefore, we can set up an equation to solve for the value of 'm' and find out how many mangoes were sold:

2m = 234

To find the value of 'm', we divide both sides of the equation by 2:

2m/2 = 234/2

This simplifies to:

m = 117

So the fruit seller sold 117 mangoes.

Now, to determine how many more apples he sold, we subtract the number of mangoes sold from the number of apples sold:

Number of apples sold = 2m = 2 * 117 = 234

Number of more apples sold = Number of apples sold - Number of mangoes sold = 234 - 117 = 117

Therefore, the fruit seller sold 117 more apples.