One model of Earth's population growth is

, where t is measured in years since 1990, and P is measured in billions of people. Which of the following statements are true?

We can see neither your equation nor the "following statements".

The population of Earth will grow exponentially for a while but then start to decrease.

In 1991, there were 5.74 billion people, according to this model.

Your welcome...

I apologize, but you have not provided me with the model of Earth's population growth. Could you please provide me with the relevant information or any given options so that I can assist you further?

To determine which of the given statements are true, we need to understand the equation provided for Earth's population growth.

The equation mentioned is not provided in the question, so we cannot determine the truth of the statements without it. However, we can proceed to explain the general model for population growth.

One common model for population growth is the exponential growth model, given by:

P(t) = P₀ * e^(rt)

- P(t) represents the population at time t
- P₀ represents the initial population at time t=0
- e is the mathematical constant approximately equal to 2.71828
- r is the growth rate (expressed as a decimal)

Using this model, we can calculate the population at any given time t, measured in years since a specific reference point.

Without the actual equation provided, we cannot determine the truth of any specific statements. Please provide the equation or additional information to proceed with answering the question.