Could Someone Please Help Me With This Problem!!!!!!!!!!!

Factor the trinomial


how about (r+5x)(r-8x) ?

check by expanding.

get life

Sure, I can help you with that problem! To factor the trinomial, we want to find two binomial expressions that, when multiplied together, give us the original trinomial. In this case, the trinomial is:

r^2 - 3rx - 40x^2

To factor a trinomial, we generally look for two binomial expressions in the form:
(r + ?)(r + ?)

And then we need to find the appropriate numbers to put in the question marks. Here's how we can do that:

1. Look at the coefficient of the squared term (r^2 in this case). It is 1, so we know that the factors must have an r in each of them.

2. Look at the constant term (-40x^2 in this case). We need to find two numbers whose product is -40 and whose sum is -3. This is because when we multiply the binomials, the product of the constant terms should be -40 and the sum of the cross products should be -3rx.

To find the factors, we can consider the different pairs of numbers whose product is -40 and whose sum is -3. Let's list all the possible pairs of factors of 40:

1, 40
2, 20
4, 10
5, 8

Now, we need to see if any of these pairs add up to -3. By trying out different combinations, we find that the pair -8 and 5 satisfies this condition since -8 + 5 = -3.

So, we can now write the factors as:
(r - 8x)(r + 5x)

Therefore, the factored form of the trinomial r^2 - 3rx - 40x^2 is (r - 8x)(r + 5x).