a rectangular tank measured internally is 2.5m long,1.5m wide and 0.8m high. how many litres of water are needed to fill the tank? the water in tank is transferred into small cylindrical tanks each of diamter 70cm and height 40 cm. find the number of complete cylindrical tanks that can be filled

I'm sure you know how to find the volume of a rectangular tank, and a cylinder.

Just divide one by the other.

Tatyana needs to type with correct capitalization, spelling, and punctuation, as Steve's are. If not, her posts will be removed.

The the sum of number and its reciprocal is exceeds thrice the number by 1/6 find the number

To find the number of liters of water needed to fill the rectangular tank, you first need to calculate its volume. The volume of a rectangular tank can be determined by multiplying its length, width, and height.

Volume of rectangular tank = Length x Width x Height

In this case, the length is given as 2.5m, the width as 1.5m, and the height as 0.8m. Plugging in these values, we get:

Volume of rectangular tank = 2.5m x 1.5m x 0.8m

To convert the volume from cubic meters to liters, you need to multiply it by 1000 (as there are 1000 liters in a cubic meter).

Volume of rectangular tank = (2.5m x 1.5m x 0.8m) x 1000 = 3000 liters

So, 3000 liters of water are needed to fill the rectangular tank.

Next, let's calculate the volume of each cylindrical tank. The volume of a cylinder can be determined by multiplying the area of the base (πr^2) by the height (h).

Volume of cylindrical tank = πr^2 x h

In this case, the diameter of the cylindrical tank is given as 70cm, which means the radius (r) is half of that, i.e., 35cm or 0.35m. The height (h) is given as 40cm or 0.4m. Plugging in these values, we get:

Volume of cylindrical tank = π(0.35m)^2 x 0.4m

To find the number of complete cylindrical tanks that can be filled, divide the volume of the rectangular tank by the volume of each cylindrical tank.

Number of complete cylindrical tanks = Volume of rectangular tank / Volume of each cylindrical tank

Number of complete cylindrical tanks = 3000 liters / (π(0.35m)^2 x 0.4m)

Calculating this would give you the number of complete cylindrical tanks that can be filled.

the shorter method is by dividing length by diameter , width by diameter and height[tank] by height[cylinder]

if you get a decimal by dividing either of the three throw the decimal away and multiply by what you have.


if u have not understood tell me