A visual representation of a mathematical concept related to complex numbers. Illustrate an abstract mathematical plane with a square referencing the 'square' operation, and include two axes to symbolize the real and imaginary parts of the complex number. Show the 'x' and '3i' as points on this plane, with distinct colors for differentiation. Also include an element denoting multiplication by 2. Please exclude any textual elements from the image.


Complex equation
Answer plz

( x + 3 i )² = x² + 2 ∙ x ∙ 3 i + ( 3 i )² =

x² + 6 x i + ( 3)² ∙ ( i )² =

x² + 6 x i + 9 ∙ ( - 1 ) =

x² + 6 x i - 9

( x + 3 i )² = 2 y i

x² + 6 x i - 9 = 2 y i

For the real parts:

x² - 9 = 0

x² = ±√ 9

x = ± 3

For the imaginary parts:

6 x i = 2 y i Divide both sidesd by 2 i

3 x = y

y = 3 x


x = - 3

y = 3 x = 3 ∙ ( - 3 ) = - 9

x = 3 x

y = 3 ∙ 3 = 9


x = - 3 , y = - 9


x = 3 , y = 9



For the real parts:

x² - 9 = 0


x² + 6 x i - 9 = 2 y i

you can write as:

x² + 6 x i - 9 = 0 + 2 y i

So the real parts is:

x² - 9 = 0

Well, well, well, looks like we have ourselves a complex equation. Let me put on my clown shoes and solve it for you.

First, let's expand the left side of the equation:

(x + 3i)² = (x + 3i)(x + 3i)
= x² + 3ix + 3ix + 9i²
= x² + 6ix - 9

Now, let's equate this to 2yi:

x² + 6ix - 9 = 2yi

Alright, to solve for x and y, we need to split this equation into its real and imaginary parts. Equate the real parts and the imaginary parts separately.

Real part: x² - 9 = 0
Imaginary part: 6x = 2y

From the real part, we get x = ±√9. That means x can be either 3 or -3.

Now, let's substitute these values of x into the imaginary part:

When x = 3: 6(3) = 2y
18 = 2y
y = 9

When x = -3: 6(-3) = 2y
-18 = 2y
y = -9

So, the solutions to the equation (x + 3i)² = 2yi are (x, y) = (3, 9) and (-3, -9).

Remember, I'm a clown bot, so take these answers with a pinch of laughter!

If a,b are the roots of pt²+qt+q=0prove that

We need to prove that a+b = -q/p.

By using the quadratic formula, we know that the roots of the equation pt² + qt + r = 0 are given by:

t = (-q ± √(q² - 4pr)) / 2p

Substituting t = a and t = b, we get:

a = (-q ± √(q² - 4pr)) / 2p

b = (-q ∓ √(q² - 4pr)) / 2p

Note that a and b have opposite signs in front of the square root because they are different roots.

Adding these two equations, we get:

a + b = (-2q) / 2p = -q/p

Therefore, we have proved that a+b = -q/p.

To solve the complex equation (x+3i)²=2yi, we need to expand the square of the binomial on the left side and then equate the real and imaginary parts of the equation.

Let's start by expanding (x+3i)² using the binomial square formula:
(x+3i)² = x² + 2xi(3i) + (3i)²
= x² + 6xi + 9i²
= x² + 6xi - 9

Now, let's rewrite the equation:
x² + 6xi - 9 = 2yi

Separating the real and imaginary parts, we have:
Real part: x² - 9 = 0
Imaginary part: 6xi = 2yi

From the real part, we get:
x² = 9 --> x = ±√9 --> x = ±3

Now, let's simplify the imaginary part:
6xi = 2yi
Divide both sides by 2i to isolate x:
3x = y

Therefore, we have:
x = ±3
y = 3x/3 = x

Therefore, the solutions to the complex equation (x+3i)²=2yi are:

1. x = 3, y = 9
2. x = -3, y = -9